
52nd Annual Operation Shore Patrol - Westport, WA

This last weekend (Sept 16), we were proud to, once again, be a small part of the annual Operation Shore Patrol in Grayland/Westport. This weekend marked the 52nd year for this event started by the Pacific NW 4WD Association. Let's pause for a brief history: Founded in 1971 by the PNW4WDA and supported by Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission, Dept. of Ecology and the Ocean Conservancy, Operation Shore Patrol is an annual clean up of Washington State coastline beaches. Through continued support of local, regional, and national organizations this inititave has been able to continually rid our beaches of litter and debris that accumulated from public use, illegal dumping and from the Pacific Ocean. The PNW4WDA which is dedicated to preserving our environment for future generations saw the need to form an organized cleanup of our coastline beaches. Thus, Operation Shore Patrol came to be. There are 3 beach locations Westport, Ocean Shores and Long Beach. Sever...

Towing Part 1: Picking Your Tow Vehicle

The pandameic has created a booming industry - RV sales/outdoor motorsports. Between Covid guidelines, regulations, travel restriction, social distancing, state lockdowns and an in general a strong desire to not spread or get this virus, people are heading to the outdoors en mass. While all of our locations will generally get inquiries about towing capacity, especially with brands like Nissan and Ford that have trucks, occassionally, we are now seeing a huge rise in questions regarding towing. Why? Well, the short answer is people are looking to the RV life to get away from the house, and create memories with their family. Why RV's? Well, a night at a state park for a family of 4 is a lot less expensive than travel + hotel+ food. It is also a little safer (Covid thinking), you are self contained with your family bubble. So, what we are seeing, is a lot of people buying Tow Vehicles (going forth we refer to these as TV's), or coming in wanting to adapt their existing v...

April is Car Care Month: Why you need to show your car some love!

 April is National Car Care Month, and it's not by accident.  Here in the PNW, we generally have mild winters, and the last few years have been exceptionally mild.  A lot of rain, a few super cold days, with a sprinkling of snow.  But with that said, we have a lot of different geographic zones here in Washington as well, Depending on where you live,  you are within a few short hours of the  colder counties of the North, in the Mountains, on the coast or in the arid East Side.   So whether you are an adventure seeker, or a homebody, your vehicle is going to need a little TLC, and now is the time to take care of it, before we hit the busy, car trip, on the road to adventure, or just get out of the  house day trip, season of less rain, more sun! It is Oil Change Time! (Notice:  Each vehicle manufacturer has their own standards for service, this article is intended for general information, and most time/miles examples are a representative av...

The event that didn't happen, but we enjoyed anyway.

  The first weekend in March is the White Pass Winter Carnival.  Every year for 38+ish years, except this year.  UGH!  Covid!   It is interesting to reflect back on Winter Carnival 2020.  There was a lot of chat about Coronavirus, but let's face it, we were all only kinda paying attention.  Why?  Well, every year, and especially when elections are coming up, a new virus is going to get us.  Zika, Ebolla, Sars, and there is always so much shock factor in every news report, so hey, let's just keep doing what we are doing.  So, almost to the day, we saw the world change within a month.  At last year's carnival, we were wiped of hand sanitizer by mid day the 1st day...what is up with that?  Stop at Costco on the way home, it was extra busy....Next day, can't find toilet paper anywhere, by the end of the week, some schools were closing, by the first part of the next week, all the schools are closed, shortly thereafter the enti...