Port Orchard Ford Celebrates 100 years of Ford

Port Orchard Ford Celebrates 100 years of Ford in Port Orchard 100 years ago Ford Motor Company signed a dealer agreement and established an authorized Ford Dealership in Port Orchard. A lot has changed since then! 1913 Ford Model T 2013 Ford F-150 The Bruce Titus Automotive Group obtained the dealership in 2010, we are excited to be part of this legacy and the incredible community that is Port Orchard. To celebrate we want to invite EVERYONE to stop by on April 20th from 10am - 3pm and help us celebrate 100 YEARS! There will be Free Food, prizes and a wonderful walk down memory lane. If you haven't had the opportunity to visit Port Orchard, this would be a great weekend to come out and absorb the fresh air, enjoy the wonderful downtown area, and we will take care of lunch. www.PortOrchardFord.com