Tacoma Subaru Meet with ESX Motorsports June 23, 2013

Tacoma Subaru Big NW pre-meet with ESX Motorsports, June 23, 2013 What does one say when in the presence of greatness.........we just say WOW!!! What a great event. Despite the weather we had a great meet at Tacoma Subaru. Many were weary eyed from the previous days festivities at Forum Fest, but they were there, and we had a great time. The focus point of this year's meet was by far the ESX Motorsports BRZ. What a beauty!! We will let the pictures do the talking. There was free food, some wonderful vendors: Thank you to Damsel in Defense, Innovative Fitness, APW, Big NW, Hope Instillers and North Course Motoring and of course, Ali Afshar and the ESX Motorsports crew. www.brucetitus.com www.tacomasubaru.com Like us on Facebook and keep up with what's happening in our community and receive exclusive offers. https://www.facebook.com/tacomasubaru?ref=hl ...