Subaru Rally Team USA Show Car Tour and Subaru Meet

Subaru Rally Team USA Show Car Tour and Subaru Meet Tacoma Subaru will be hosting its annual Subaru meet on July 19, 2014 (10am-4pm). This annual meet was started as a Pre-meet for the Big NW Subaru Meet that traditionally has been held in Washington around the middle of July. However, this year, the Big NW has moved to Portland :( , yes we are sad, and will not be until August. But we have so much fun with this meet, we decided to do it anyway! All are welcome, whether you love Subaru or not, it is a great day. The Subaru meet is free and no registration is required, so this gives the Subaru owners from all over a chance to gather with their Subarus and show off and discuss and exchange ideas, and they can save their coin for their cars. This event is family friendly, so bring yourself, your kids, your fur babies...all are welcome. The Subaru Rally Team USA trailer will be on hand, loaded with enough car parts and accessories to make gear head droo...