Operation Shore Patrol 2017
pnw4wda.org pnw4wda.org On the third weekend every September the small coastal town of Grayland is invaded by Jeep clubs. Actually they are invaded by Jeep clubs and bargain hunters, as this weekend is also their 30 miles of Junk sale weekend, but that is not what this is about. Why you may ask. Operation Shore Patrol ! Operation Shore Patrol was founded in 1971 by the Pacific Northwest Four Wheel Drive Association ( PNW4WDA ) and supported by Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission, Dept. of Ecology and The Ocean Conservancy, Operation Shore Patrol is an annual clean up of Washington State Coastline beaches. Through continued support of local regional and national organization this initiative has been able to continually rid our beaches of litter and debris that accumulates from public use, illegal dumping and from the Pacific Ocean. The PNW4WDA which is dedicated to preserving our environment for future generations saw the need to form an ...