Towing Part 1: Picking Your Tow Vehicle

The pandameic has created a booming industry - RV sales/outdoor motorsports. Between Covid guidelines, regulations, travel restriction, social distancing, state lockdowns and an in general a strong desire to not spread or get this virus, people are heading to the outdoors en mass. While all of our locations will generally get inquiries about towing capacity, especially with brands like Nissan and Ford that have trucks, occassionally, we are now seeing a huge rise in questions regarding towing. Why? Well, the short answer is people are looking to the RV life to get away from the house, and create memories with their family. Why RV's? Well, a night at a state park for a family of 4 is a lot less expensive than travel + hotel+ food. It is also a little safer (Covid thinking), you are self contained with your family bubble. So, what we are seeing, is a lot of people buying Tow Vehicles (going forth we refer to these as TV's), or coming in wanting to adapt their existing v...